In the vast realm of global philanthropy, estimated at a staggering 4 trillion USD or 4% of global GDP, African non-profits face a significant challenge. Despite the substantial size of this ecosystem, only a mere 0.2% of these funds are received directly by African non-profits. This minuscule share is further diluted by the nature of the funding, which often comes in the form of small, short-term grants. Such funding models hinder the potential for long-term impact and do not allow these organizations to invest in their internal systems and capacities.

Enter MoFund Africa, a visionary initiative dedicated to revolutionizing this landscape. MoFund Africa’s mission is clear: to enhance the capacity of African Non-profits and social enterprises to secure more substantial, trust-based grants. By addressing the core issues of trust and impact measurement, MoFund Africa is set to transform how funding flows into African non-profits and how these organizations can sustain and scale their impact.

Bridging the Trust Gap

One of the critical barriers for African Non-profits and social enterprises in attracting significant funding is the trust gap. Donors often hesitate to commit to long-term, substantial funding due to concerns about transparency, accountability, and measurable impact. MoFund Africa tackles this challenge head-on by automating impact measurement and data collection. This innovation provides donors with real-time, reliable data on how their funds are being used and the tangible outcomes they are supporting.

By leveraging advanced technology, MoFund Africa simplifies the reporting process for Non-profits and social enterprises, making it less cumbersome and more accurate. This not only builds confidence among donors but also frees up valuable time for Non-profits and social enterprises to focus on their core missions rather than on extensive administrative tasks.

Building Efficient Pipelines for Grant Makers

Another significant contribution of MoFund Africa is in streamlining the grant-making process. For many grant-making organizations, identifying and vetting potential grantees can be a daunting and resource-intensive task. MoFund Africa offers a solution by creating a robust pipeline of innovative, African-led initiatives that are pre-vetted and equipped with reliable impact data.

This pipeline not only makes it easier for grant makers to find and fund high-potential projects but also ensures that their resources are directed towards initiatives that are poised to make a real difference. By acting as a bridge between grant makers and African Non-profits and social enterprises, MoFund Africa is fostering a more efficient and impactful funding ecosystem.

The Road Ahead: What’s in Store for 2024

As MoFund Africa looks towards 2024, several exciting developments are on the horizon. The organization is poised to scale its operations, expanding its reach to more Non-profits and social enterprises across the continent. With a focus on capacity building, MoFund Africa plans to offer extensive training programs and resources to help Non-profits and social enterprises strengthen their internal systems and strategic planning capabilities.

In addition to scaling its impact measurement and data collection technology, MoFund Africa aims to introduce new tools and platforms that will further enhance transparency and accountability. These innovations will not only benefit Non-profits and social enterprises but also provide donors with even greater confidence in the organizations they support.

Another key initiative for 2024 is the launch of collaborative projects that bring together multiple stakeholders, including Non-profits and social enterprises, donors, governments, and private sector partners. By fostering collaboration, MoFund Africa seeks to create a more cohesive and supportive ecosystem that can drive large-scale, sustainable change.


MoFund Africa is not just changing the donor landscape; it is reshaping the future of philanthropy in Africa. By addressing the critical issues of trust, transparency, and efficiency, MoFund Africa is paving the way for a new era where African Non-profits and social enterprises can thrive and make a profound impact. As we move into 2024, the potential for transformational change is immense, and MoFund Africa stands at the forefront of this exciting journey, committed to empowering African-led initiatives and creating a brighter future for all.