In the vast landscape of global philanthropy, Africa stands as a region of immense potential yet remains starkly underfunded. Despite the global philanthropy ecosystem being estimated at a colossal 4 trillion USD, representing 4% of global GDP, African non-profits receive only a scant 0.2% of these funds directly. This alarming disparity highlights a critical issue: African Non-profits and social enterprises are often overlooked and underfunded, limiting their ability to create meaningful and sustained impact.

The Challenges of Limited Funding

Several factors contribute to the limited funding that African Non-profits and social enterprises receive:

  1. Short-term, Small Grants: The funding that does trickle into African Non-profits and social enterprises typically comes in the form of short-term, small grants. These grants, while helpful, do not provide the longevity or the scale needed to foster substantial growth and long-term projects. Consequently, Non-profits and social enterprises struggle to sustain their initiatives or scale their impact.
  2. Trust Deficit: There is a significant trust gap between donors and African Non-profits and social enterprises. Concerns about transparency, accountability, and measurable impact deter many donors from committing larger, long-term funds. This trust deficit is further exacerbated by the lack of robust data collection and impact measurement systems within many Non-profits and social enterprises.
  3. Administrative Burden: The processes required to secure and report on grants are often cumbersome and resource-intensive. This administrative burden diverts time and resources away from the core missions of Non-profits and social enterprises, making it challenging for them to operate efficiently and effectively.
  4. Inefficient Grant-Making Processes: For grant makers, identifying and vetting potential grantees in Africa can be a complex and resource-heavy task. This inefficiency leads to missed opportunities for funding high-potential projects and organizations.

MoFund Africa: A Game Changer

MoFund Africa is stepping in to address these critical issues and transform the donor landscape for African Non-profits and social enterprises. By focusing on capacity building, trust-building, and efficiency, MoFund Africa is paving the way for a more equitable and impactful funding ecosystem.

  1. Automating Impact Measurement and Data Collection: At the core of MoFund Africa’s approach is the use of advanced technology to automate impact measurement and data collection. This innovation provides real-time, reliable data on the usage of funds and the tangible outcomes they generate. By simplifying and enhancing the reporting process, MoFund Africa builds greater confidence among donors, reducing the trust deficit that has long hindered significant funding flows.
  2. Building Non-profits and social enterprises Capacity: MoFund Africa is dedicated to enhancing the internal systems and strategic capabilities of African Non-profits and social enterprises. Through extensive training programs and resources, MoFund Africa helps these organizations build the infrastructure needed to manage larger, long-term grants effectively. This capacity building ensures that Non-profits and social enterprises are not only able to attract more significant funding but also utilize it efficiently to create sustainable impact.
  3. Streamlining Grant-Making Processes: For grant makers, MoFund Africa offers a robust pipeline of pre-vetted, innovative African-led initiatives. This streamlined process makes it easier for donors to find and fund high-potential projects, ensuring that their resources are directed towards initiatives with proven impact and accountability. By acting as a bridge between grant makers and Non-profits and social enterprises, MoFund Africa fosters a more efficient and impactful funding process.
  4. Fostering Collaboration: MoFund Africa is committed to fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, including Non-profits and social enterprises, donors, governments, and private sector partners. By creating a more cohesive and supportive ecosystem, MoFund Africa aims to drive large-scale, sustainable change that benefits all parties involved.

The Path Forward: What’s Next for MoFund Africa

As MoFund Africa looks to the future, several exciting developments are on the horizon. The organization plans to scale its operations, expanding its reach to more Non-profits and social enterprises across the continent. New tools and platforms will be introduced to further enhance transparency and accountability, benefiting both Non-profits and social enterprises and donors.

Additionally, MoFund Africa will continue to focus on collaborative projects, bringing together multiple stakeholders to create a more unified and effective funding ecosystem. These initiatives will not only help to bridge the funding gap but also ensure that African Non-profits and social enterprises have the resources and support needed to achieve their missions.


The issues of limited grant and donor funding in Africa are significant, but they are not insurmountable. With innovative approaches and a commitment to building trust and efficiency, MoFund Africa is transforming the donor landscape. By empowering African Non-profits and social enterprises and fostering a more equitable funding ecosystem, MoFund Africa is unlocking the potential for profound and lasting change. As we move forward, the vision of a well-funded, impactful, and sustainable Non-profits and social enterprises sector in Africa is becoming a reality, thanks to the groundbreaking work of MoFund Africa.